Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fruit Experiment

 Have you ever gone grocery shopping and found a few days later that some of the delicious fruits you purchased are now rotten and inedible? Have you ever wondered what happened to them? What makes fruit rot faster than others? What environments cause the process of fruit rotting to slow down? What environments speeds the process up? Do products such as these really work?: 

If they do work, how?  Do citrus fruits like oranges rot faster than low-acid fruits like sweet apples or starchy fruits like bananas? Why? What information should we know about fruits before walking into a grocery store? What are some things we should know about fruits when storing them in our homes? 

Two years ago I had a roommate who owned all "produce-saving" Tupperware. A few months ago, my mom sent groceries home with me, and in the bag it contained the Ziploc fresh produce bags. After these two things, and my genuine love for fruit and frustration I get when it goes bad, I'm curious about the science behind these products as well as the science behind the decomposition of fruits in general.
I want to know how this:
can turn to this in a few days: 

What is happening in between, and how can we slow it down in order to enjoy our produce longer?!